Update 16 - 02 - 2023

Address: Opposite Doc Lap Hill, Group 18, Thanh Nua Commune, Dien Bien District, Dien Bien Province

Memorial of Doc Lap Cemetery.

Doc Lap National Martyr Cemetery has 152 lots with 2,432 graves in a total area of 3.3 ha. The cemetery was built from 1957 to 1958.

National Doc Lap Martyrs Cemetery.

Grave of martyrs at Doc Lap Cemetery.

This is a large-scale cemetery built with bricks, each stone stele is attached with a star and next to it is a small vase of flowers donated to the cemetery by Viettel Military Industry and Telecommunications Group. At the bottom of the cemetery is an incense offering ceremony with a 15m high memorial.

More than 60 years have passed, but the fierceness of the Dien Bien battlefield, the courage and the spirit of bloodless sacrifice of the soldiers and compatriots participating in the campaign to bring victory "shocked the earth" still echoes in the hearts of every Vietnamese as well as friends around the world. To make that glorious history page, thousands of soldiers fought bravely and stayed here forever. Every visitor coming to Dien Bien wishes to come to the martyrs cemeteries to offer incense to pay tribute to the heroes and martyrs who sacrificed for the peace of the country./.

Source: 3D Digitization Library