Xa Nhe Market

Update 28 - 03 - 2023

Time: Once every 6 days on the Days of Rooster and Cat of the Lunar Calendar month - Location: Xa Nhe Commune, Tua Chua District

Located 15 km from Tua Chua Township, Xa Nhe fair market always attracts ethnic minorities from communes of Xa Nha, Muong Dun, Tua Thang, and Muong Bang. The market is opened from early morning till late afternoon. Goods exchanged in the market are mainly agricultural products, labor tools, and costumes of ethnic minorities. Local people sometimes bring domestic products to the market such as chickens, corn, rice, or vegetables and fruits. Some people even bring radios and Khens (bamboo trumpets) just for fun.

The market days are always festive. People go to the market not only to exchange and trade goods but also  to meet and chat with each other and participate cultural activities. The market is an indispensable part in the spiritual life of highland people as they often say "going to the market for fun". The market closes when the sun goes down behind the mountains and people say goodbye to each other to return home, continue to work, and wait for the next market day.


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