Muong Nhe Nature Reserve

Update 03 - 10 - 2020

Muong Nhe Nature Reserve is located in Muong Nhe District, Dien Bien Province, about 700 km from Hanoi City to the Northwest. This is a biodiversity nature reserve rated among the largest in Vietnam …

The road to Muong Nhe Nature Reserve. (Photo: internet)

Looking down from above, the landscape of Muong Nhe mountain and forest is like a beautiful and soulful picture. Mixed in the green of forest trees, the yellow of the wild sunflowers together with the red yellow of the unpaved roads, on the folds of houses on stilts and thatched houses with the different large and small sizes scattered on the side of the road, along the stream and also in the dense and overgrown bushes, there are heave mountains vaguely appearing in the far distance, successively undulating and racing under the sun.

Phong cảnh đẹp và có hồn như một bức tranh

The wonderful  scenery of Muong Nhe Nature Reserve (Photo: internet)

Muong Nhe Nature Reserve covers an area of about 310,262 hectares, including 10 border communes of Muong Nhe District with the residence of ethnic groups such as: Ha Nhi, H’Mong, Kho Mu, Mong, … and nearly 118,000 hectares of forest land with 43% is covered, in which there are many primitive forests such as: lowland evergreen forest, evergreen forest in the high mountains and bamboo forests that are being preserved intact.

Thảm thực vật rất đa dạng phong phú

The vegetation is very diversified. (Photo: internet)

This place is also home to many rare and precious animals such as: stone turtles, gaurs, sun bear, pangolins, red wolves, civets, wild cat, … and some species are recorded in the Vietnam Red List. In addition, the previous documents show that in the 80s of the last century, Muong Nhe Nature Reserve still had 200 elephants, 300 gaurs, 35 reptiles, 59 other mammals, 270 birds.

In addition, the flora heare is also quite diverse in types, with about 308 species including many species of special scientific value such as: beaked hickory, talauma, kerr’s plane, bastard cedar, white meranti, Fujian cypress, agarwood… there are particularly 112 species of timber trees, and 68 rare and precious species of medicinal plants.

Muong Nhe Nature Reserve is the home to many rare and precious animals. (Photo: internet)

With such flora and fauna, Muong Nhe Nature Reserve is rated as the largest and most diverse of species in our country, so the conservation of this natural forest has great significance in terms of both the ecosystem and the protection forests of Da river. This will be an attractive destination for ecoutourism and scientific research in the near future.

This forest is very beautiful and valuable (Photo: internet)