Muong Nhe uses Agro-Forestry as a key economic sector

Update 04 - 11 - 2020

Muong Nhe is a mountainous district, located on the junction of the border between Vietnam and Laos and China. The Northwest borders on Yunnan province, China; the West and Southwest borders Phongsaly province, Laos; the southwest borders on Nam Po district; The East and Northeast borders Muong Te district, Lai Chau province.

The center of Muong Nhe district is gradually completing infrastructure for socio-economic development

The district has 11 communes with the area of 1,573,73 km2 and the population of over 40,000 people.

The district has A Pa Chai border gate, important border market, natural forests such as Muong Nhe Nature Reserve, Tran Van Tho Martyrs Monument and rustic, traditional features of the Ha Nhi ethnic community. These are favorable conditions for the development of commodity production, trade, promoting cooperation and economic exchanges between the locality and economic regions in the province, domestically and internationally as well as attracting tourists.

The agro-forestry economy is identified as a key economic sector contributing to sustainable poverty reduction, so on the basis of investment capital of the Party and State through programs and projects (Program 30a, 134 / CP, 135 / CP, Project 79 ...) the Party Committee, Muong Nhe district government focuses on building essential infrastructure to restructure agricultural production.

In the process of integration and development, Muong Nhe has made a plan on socio-economic development strategies and goals. The basic direction is to transform the natural economy, which brings the form of self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency into a multi-sector commodity economy according to the model of home, garden and farm economy. Organize the effective implementation of handicraft development programs, tourism development programs, invest in improving cultural qualifications, eradicate illiteracy for people, especially ethnic minorities and regions border high.

High-tech macadamia planting project in Muong Nhe district

Thanks to natural conditions, short-term industrial crops such as peanuts, beans and food crops, maize are concentrated in Muong Nhe. Macadamia trees are widely grown in Sen Thuong, rubber trees (in Muong Toong, Muong Nhe, Nam Ke).

Currently, the district has 59 irrigation works, the total length of the canal is nearly 113.3 km; support trees, breeds, agricultural tools ... create favorable conditions for people to develop production in association with building a new countryside. With the potential and advantages of land and abundant natural food, Muong Nhe district has directed 11/11 communes to plan concentrated breeding areas to have many policies to encourage people to develop livestock in the direction of In terms of goods, people have initially changed the form of free-range and small-scale breeding to farming in the direction of sustainability.

Border junction landmark. The face facing our country is imprinted with the national emblem of Vietnam

To preserve and develop indigenous pig breeds, encourage closed livestock production, linkage between stages in the value chain. Besides, enhancing the promotion and propaganda to introduce products; to attract cooperatives and enterprises to invest in agricultural production; Well done linking "4 houses" ...

Facing the current trend of integration and development, Muong Nhe district has urgently built a policy to call for investment in order to promote its inherent advantages and potentials. In addition to the preferential policies of the State, Dien Bien province, the district also has special and specific preferential policies for investors to invest in production in the district.