The unique the “Bun Huot Nam” Water Festival of the Lao people in Na Sang village, Dien Bien district

The “Bun Huot Nam” Water Festival of Lao people in Na Sang 1 village, Nua Ngam commune, Dien Bien district is a traditional New Year celebration of Lao people. This is an important event in the cultural and spiritual life of the Lao ethnic community. During the event, people worshiped for good rain and wind and abundant crops. They prayed for all things grow and develop well and to wash away the bad luck of the old year and enter the new year with good luck for everyone, families and the community.

This year "Bun Huot Nam" Water Festival takes place for 2 days, from April 13th – 14th of the solar calendar (March 5th – 6th of the lunar calendar).

The "Bun Huot Nam" Water Festival was also an opportunity for villagers to take part in folk games, perform traditional dances and especially join the amazing moments of water splashing.

Lao dance performance "Bunpimay".

The “Bun Huot Nam” Water Festival consists of 2 parts: the ceremony part and the festival part. The ceremony usually begins with rituals to worship the village and ancestors. This is a profound spiritual ritual of Lao people, expressing gratitude to the gods and ancestors for bestowing favorable weather, good crops, and healthy, lucky people.

Lao people organize village offerings and ancestral offerings to pray for good weather and wind in the new year, all things flourish, and people in the village are prosperous and happy.

The “Bun Huot Nam” Water Festival consists of two parts: the ceremony and the festival. The ceremony usually begins with rituals to worship the village and ancestors. Before exciting festival activities take place, Lao people will hold village and ancestral offerings to send off the dry season, wash away bad luck in the old year and pray for good weather and good weather in the new year. multiply, the people in the village are prosperous and happy.

After the worshiping ceremony ends, the shaman will use a fragrant water made from plants and sprinkle it on everyone present at the ceremony for good luck. Old people will perform a good luck ritual called "Phuk Khen" - the "Wrist tying" ceremony for everyone.

The "Bun Huot Nam" Water Festival consists of 2 parts: the ceremony and the festival. The ceremony usually begins with rituals to worship the village and ancestors. Before the lively festival activities take place, the Laotian people will conduct ceremonies to bid farewell to the dry season, cleanse any misfortunes of the past year, and pray for a new year of favourable weather, prosperity, and happiness for the villagers.

Worshiping the village and worshiping the gods is a profound spiritual ritual of Lao people, expressing gratitude to the gods and ancestors for bestowing favorable weather, good crops, healthy people, and lucky.

People believe that in this part of the ritual, whoever has the most threads tied to their wrist is the luckier they are. In the photo: Ritual of tying threads on the wrist for good luck.

This year's festival takes place for 2 days, from April 13th – 14th (March 5th – 6th of the lunar calendar). At the festival, there are activities such as: worshiping, praying, tying thread on wrist to pray for good luck; Lăm vông (circle dance) performance, knocking door to door asking for water; worship the gods of river and stream; and bathing in a stream, among others.

The "Bun Huot Nam" Water Festival of Lao people in Nua Ngam commune, Dien Bien district has been included in the list of National Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism since 2017.

Furthermore, the festival features cultural exchange programmes with outstanding performances showcasing the rich cultural heritage of various ethnic groups. This includes the participation of community cultural teams from Dien Bien district, villages in Nua Ngam commune, twinned units, and many villages in Dien Bien district where Laotian ethnic groups reside.

People and tourists participate in the "Bun Huot Nam" Water Festival for good luck.

The “Bun Huot Nam” Water Festival of Lao people in Nua Ngam commune, Dien Bien district, has been recognised as National Intangible cultural heritage by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism since 2017.

The "Bun Huot Nam" Water Festival is one of two events organized by Dien Bien district in response to the Visit VietNam Year - Dien Bien 2024; towards the 70th Anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory; 115 years of establishment of Dien Bien province and 75 years of establishment of Dien Bien province Party Committee./.