Xa Nhe Cave

Xa Nhe is a commune located in the South of Tua Chua District. It is known by many people for Xa Nha fair market, Mong Pe wine, especially with interesting natural landscape, the typical is the landscape of Xa Nhe Cave. Xa Nhe Cave is called Kho Xo by the local Mong ethnic people (meaning dynamite cave since there were many bats in the cave, the local people use bat guano to make explosives).

Xa Nhe Cave is located at the foot of a high steep cliff, about 1 km from the center of Sang Nhe Commune. Xa Nhe Cave is located in a very beautiful and majestic natural setting. The deep gray color of rocky massifs merges with the green of forest, the yellow color of upland rice in the days of crop. Although the Cave is quite close to the center of Sang Nhe Commune, there are not many people gathered around it. The mountains and trees still retain their natural beauty, giving the visitors a feeling of exploring an interesting primitive place on their own.

The Cave is 700 m long, including 5 different large and small cavities. Each cavity has its own mysterious beauty. The outer cavity is arched in shape. On the ceiling of the Cave, there are drooping stalactities glistening with the lines which sometimes they are pliant and flexible like waterfall, sometimes they are sharp and spiky like sea coral. Each stalactite is like a flowing waterfall with countless sparkling crystal particles. Under the background of the Cave, there are forests of stalagmites and stalactites of various shapes with many strange shapes. The panorama of outside cavity looks like a giant oil painting of wild natural landscape.

The more you go inside, the more splendid the Cave becomes because of countless lines and shapes created by stalactites and stalagmites. Although they are all natural stone sculptures, the beauty of each cavity is not the same, making viewers interesting and stimulating their curiosity and passion for discovery. The second cavity is screne with fictitious and stylized settings like a rustic village with rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, terraced fields …; the third cavity stands out with 2 huge stone pillars superbly standing in the middle of the Cave; the fourth cavity is located higher than the other cavities and you have to crawl through a small niche to be able to explore the fifth cavity, which is the last and also the most attractive one. The scene in this cavity is like a maze with a throne and a mountain of sparkling diamonds. Under the background, there are the successive terraced fields from near to far, from high to low, surrounded by the drooping stalactites like Buddha image. All 5 cavities with their charm always create strong impressions and emotions for the audience. 

Standing under the Cave, the visitors feel like standing in the middle of an ancient castle, with a monumental and majestic but not less romantic and dreamlike architecture.

