Address: Muong Thanh Ward, Dien Bien Phu City, Dien Bien Province.

Overview of A1 Hill (Photo: internet)

During Dien Bien Phu Campaign, the Army French called this fortress Éliane 2, while A1 was the symbol on the military map of the Vietnam People's Army. A1, a high point in the defensive system in the eastern hills, had the most important position and was considered the last shield to protect Dien Bien Phu fortresses group Center. Here, the French deployed a lot of troops, strong firepower, and solid fortifications. During the 56 days and nights of Dien Bien Phu Campaign, the battle at Hill A1 took place 39 days and nights with more than 2,500 soldiers dying. On the night of May 6th, 1954, we successfully ignited an explosive block of nearly 1000 kg. In the early morning of May 7th, 1954, we completely mastered Hill A1 to open the gate for the final attack on the headquarters of Dien Bien Phu Fortresses group to gain the complete victory.

Coming to A1 today, tourist will be able to witness the remnants of the fierce battle of the past such as 18-ton tanks, entrenched bunkers and the French army's tunnels and trenches on the top of the hill, and remnants of the explosion of the Vietnam People's Army.

A1 Hill is 32 meters high, 82 thousand square meters large and 500 meters west of the headquarters of the French during the Dien Bien Phu campaign. (Photo: internet)

Stele in memory of the battle on Hill A1 (Photo: cungphuot.info)

The tunnel was restored in 2004 on 18m wide and 13m deep as an evidence of the glorious history of Vietnam.

The tank that the French army had used to make their cons -offensive. (Photo: internet)

Bomb crater on A1 Hill (Photo: internet)

French enemy’s strongest command post (Photo: internet)

A1 Hill attracts locals and tourists. (Photo: internet)
