A Pa Chai - Long Phu border gate

Located in Sin Thau commune, Muong Nhe district, Dien Bien province, A Pa Chai is about 250 km from Dien Bien Phu. It is a milestone marking the territories of Vietnam, Laos and China.

Border Post 0. (Photo: internet)

Known as "a place where a crowing cock can be heard by 3 countries", along with imposing scenery, A Pa Chai has long become an attraction for tourists who desire to conquer challenges. Situated at 1864 m above the sea level, there Ha Nhi and few other ethnic minorities mainly inhabit. A Pa Chai means a vast area in Ha Nhi language.

The girls of Ha Nhi ethnic group are happy to prepare the "Xoe" festival. (Photo: internet)

During the dry season, the road to A Pa Chai is quite smooth, but in the rainy season, it becomes tough even very dangerous. Therefore, the best time to visist this westernmost site is from November to April. Coming to A Pa Chai, you will have chance to discover Sin Thau market at the border area and  A Pa Chai- Long Phu border. Besides, A Pa Chai has primitive jungle with a diverse flora and fauna, and specific culture of ethnic groups which can never be forgot.

Tourists take pictures on border milestone number 0. (Photo: internet)

A Pa Chai Border Station (Photo: internet)

