Social issues

Population, labor and employment

The average population of Dien Bien province in 2023 was estimated at 646,182 people, an increase of 1.61% compared to 2022 (10,261 people); of which: Urban population was 98,246 people, accounting for 15.20%; Rural population was 547,936 people, accounting for 84.80%; Male population was 328,146 people, accounting for 50.78%; Female population was 318,036 people, accounting for 49.22%.

The the labor force aged 15 years and over in Dien Bien province in 2023 was estimated at 339,541 people, an increase of 2.66% compared to 2022 (8,787 people). The employed population aged 15 years and over working in economic sectors in 2023 were 338,574 people, an increase of 2.73% compared to 2022 (8,995 people).

The unemployment rate of the labor force at working age in 2023 was 0.31% (urban areas 0.43%; rural areas 0.18%). The underemployment rate of the labor force at working age in 2023 was 3.36% (urban areas 2.66%; rural areas 4.13%).

Living standards

The average monthly income per capita of Dien Bien province at current prices reached 2.18 million VND, an increase of 8.68% compared to 2022. The rate of multi-dimensional poor households for the period 2021-2025, in 2023 was 36.97%. The proportion of population using hygienic water sources was 95.73%.

In 2023, according to preliminary data, natural disasters caused 6 deaths; 4 injuries; 29 houses collapsed and swept away; 869 houses flooded, hit by landslide, roof ripped-off; 428.93 hectares of rice and 916.12 hectares of crops were damaged. The total value of loss caused by natural disasters in 2023 was 168.82 billion VND.

Social order and safety

There were 101 traffic accidents and collisions occurred in the province, caused 19 deaths and 109 injuries. The number of traffic accidents in 2023 was equal to the previous year; the number of deaths decreased by 44.12% (15 people) compared to the previous year, the number of injured people increased by 18.48% (17 people) compared to 2022.

In 2023, there were 17 cases of fire and explosion across the Dien Bien province, killing 1 person and injuring 2 people, the total value of property damage was estimated at 7,440 million VND. Compared to 2022, the number of fires increased by 240% and the value of loss increased by 161.05%./.

Source: Dien Bien Statistics Office